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drywall systems for complete buildings.

isolux -wall - THE basic technology
for efficient and sustainable houses

Highest thermal insulation

Lowest construction costs

Drastic CO2 savings

Individual architecture

World innovation

Rethink building -
CO2 free living


With our new construction system of drywall composite columns, it is possible for the first time to combine the lowest CO2 emissions and resource conservation with economical construction.

The construction process is simple, allows any insulation material and enables a diverse architecture of solid as well as lightweight structures.

This means that the plus-energy passive houses are affordable for everyone!


isolux,, Niedrigenergiehaus, plusenergie, plushaus, Passivhaus, niedrige Wärmedämmung
Berg und Tal

Highest thermal insulation

Our post construction allows high insulation thicknesses with Uw = 0.092 W / qmK with slim outer walls at the same time.

Lowest construction costs

With approx. 80 € / sqm for a shell wall created on site, we achieve an approx. 50% lower cost level compared to other systems.

Drastic CO2 savings

Lifelong avoidance of emissions, low-resource construction and the very low consumption of gray energy ensure sustainable housing construction.

Individual architecture

Our tiered modular system enables all house types and facade variants as well as flexible interior design in dry construction.


State of


isolux -wall



Marktvergleich Isolux, Statik, Schallschutz, Brandschutz, Wärmeschutz, Baukosten, CO2-Emission

isolux -wall in a market comparison


Our new building technology is universally scalable,

combines ecology and economy in building construction for the first time.

and turns every new building into a sustainable, efficient house.


Contact us.


Are you curious?
or do you have any questions?

We are looking forward to your message.

isolux Bausysteme

Teichmühle 1

01561 Lampertswalde


tel:         +49 (0) 35 3436 1134

  • LinkedIn - Schwarzer Kreis

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